Research Projects
function doEntry ($name, $title, $text) {
rtab_left (); ?>

rtab_right (); ?>
print $title ?>
print $text ?> more
rtab_top ("Current Research", " ");
doEntry ("rembrandt", "Rembrandt / Vision Science Work", "Using new computer modelling techniques, we show that artists including Rembrandt, use vision based techniques (lost and found edges, center of focus techniques) to guide the eye path of the viewer through their paintings in significant ways...");
doEntry ("facetoolkit", "faceToolKit - A 3D Facial ToolKit", "A system for creating, animating and communicating with 3D faces types. This dev toolkit is based on a hierarchical parametric approach allowing for an additive realtime language of expressions, emotions and lip-sync sequences..");
doEntry ("iface", "iFACE - Comprehensive Environment for Interactive Face Animation", "Introducing the concept of Face Multimedia Object (FMO), iFACE develops an integrated framework for working with FMO by defining and implementing the necessary functionality (3D and 2D) and exposing proper interfaces to a variety of application types (Web clients, GUI programs, and interactive users).");
doEntry ("creativegp", "Evolving Creative Computer Programs using Genetic Programming", "This research uses creative evolutionary systems to explore computer creativity for various applications: in our first pass - evolving a family of abstract portrait panter programs.");
doEntry ("vraquarium", "Virutal Beluga Project - Vancouver Aquarium", "An interactive beluga whale pod simulation for the Vancouver Aquarium which uses realistic 3D graphics and an artificial intelligent system. It was informed by research data from the live belugas.");
doEntry ("painterly", "Painterly Portrait NPR Project", "Can you build a computer parameterized model of the cognitive process or open methodolgy that human portrait painters use. This interdisiplanary toolkit research project automatically generates painterly output from people photographs and cognitive parameters.");
doEntry ("musicface", "MusicFace","Music-driven Emotionally Expressive Face (MusicFace) creates 'facial choreography' driven by musical input. Structural and emotion data are extracted from the music via a fuzzy rule based system and remapped to 'equivelents' in face space.");
doEntry ("voiceavatar", "A Social Metaphor-based Virtual Communities (voiceAvatar)", "The goal of this project is to deliver a rich experience of human socialization and telepresence via a voice-enabled web3D avatar community by emulating natural socal metaphors.");
doEntry ("genface", "GenFace - Exploring FaceSpace with Genetic Algorithms", "genFace uses a genetic algorithm technique to search through a large multi-dimensional space of correlated faces -- making it possible to traverse a path from any face to any other face,
morphing through locally similar faces along that path.");
doEntry ("virtualcolab", "Virtual CoLab Project", "Researching how mathematicians (& scientists) using 3D v-environments can collaborate with each other using 3D with rich media objects (browsers, video, 3D models, animation), avatar embodiments and spatial user interface constructs.");
doEntry ("colabdesign", "SFU/FIT Colaborative Design Project", "Using virtual tools, this was an interdisciplinary, cross-institutional effort in collaborative design, distance learning and virtual performance culminating in a co-designed fashion show and performance.");
doEntry ("knowviz", "KnowViz", "An interactive 3D knowledge visualization system that explores a more intuitive approach to knowledge and data visualization. An open source, cross platform programming project using openGL, Python and XML. Now working with Connection's James Burke.");
rtab_bot ();
//rtab_top ("Other research options:", " ");
//doEntry ("socagents", "Social Agents", "Charaters on the intenet talk with PCD talk and Palmtop..");
//doEntry ("facade", "Facade", "Need an angle. A colour-wheel-like interface built with FaceGen, OpenGL and Tcl/Tk that enables users to navigate in face space.");
//doEntry ("3dui", "3D UI Constructs", "Mixing info with environment. Muse images. A colour-wheel-like interface built with FaceGen, OpenGL and Tcl/Tk that enables users to navigate in face space.");
//doEntry ("3dweb", "3d multimedia borwser", "Muse and its UI and enviroment issues. A colour-wheel-like interface built with FaceGen, OpenGL and Tcl/Tk that enables users to navigate in face space.");
//doEntry ("expsystems", "expression systems", "ptears, parameters, 2 talks ... A colour-wheel-like interface built with FaceGen, OpenGL and Tcl/Tk that enables users to navigate in face space.");
//doEntry ("codesign", "collagorative narrative and design", "sfufit and more... A colour-wheel-like interface built with FaceGen, OpenGL and Tcl/Tk that enables users to navigate in face space.");
//rtab_bot ();